In person or virtual 1:1 coaching

You’ll learn to use a simple framework that meets you where you are and gets you where you want to be.

Change the way you think about your health.

  • Nutrition

    No diets or meal plans here. Food shouldn't be restrictive. It's made to nourish us. We will work together to find a balanced approach focused on whole foods and healthy eating that works for your lifestyle.

    -We’ll start by assessing what, when and how you’re currently eating and how it’s impacting your health, mood and energy

    -You’ll learn what, when, and how to eat to meet your individual wants and needs

    -Then you’ll learn to create weekly meal plans and systems for food prep that work with your lifestyle

    -Together we will identify obstacles and create workarounds so that meal planning and preparation is streamlined & efficient

    -You’ll apply your new skills and evaluate what works and what doesn’t until you develop the habits that create lasting change

  • Movement

    No prescribed workouts either. We will collaborate and co create a plan for movement that incorporates cardio, strength and flexibility in a way that makes it something you look forward to!

    -We’ll start by assessing what, when and how you’re currently exercising and how it’s impacting your health, mood and energy

    -You’ll learn to create time for movement so that you have a plan and system that works for your lifestyle

    -Together we will identify what’s been holding you back from committing to exercise and learn to stop quitting on yourself!

    -You’ll apply your new skills and evaluate what does and doesn’t work until you develop the habits that create lasting change

  • Sleep

    It's not just about diet and fitness. Your sleep impacts everything! If you're like most of us in today's world, you're not getting optimal sleep. We'll work to change that. It will impact your weight loss goals, your mood and your energy!

    -We’ll start by assessing your current sleep patterns to see how they are impacting your health, mood and energy

    -You’ll create sleep routines that work for your lifestyle and have you getting more restorative sleep quickly

    -Together we will identify what’s been keeping you from getting the sleep you want and need to be at your best

    -You’ll learn strategies to manage your mind and fall asleep or fall back to sleep faster

    -You’ll apply your new skills and evaluate what does and doesn’t work until you develop the habits that create lasting change

  • Stress

    If you're like most of us, chances are you're using something unhealthy to cope with daily stressors (Netflix? A few glasses of wine? Overeating dessert?) We will work together to create your own personal toolbox of strategies that will have you coping in ways that will get you to your goals.

    -We’ll start by assessing how you currently daily manage stressors

    -Together we will identify the feelings, thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you in a state of stress

    -You’ll learn techniques for managing daily stressors in ways that will get you to your goals

    -You’ll develop your own personal toolbox of strategies that work for you

    -You’ll apply your new skills and evaluate what does and doesn’t work until you develop the habits that create lasting change

"I used to think there wasn't enough time in the day for me to exercise. You helped me design the time. I'm learning that it is possible and I'm on my way to becoming stronger every day. My confidence is growing slowly with every win."

— Laura D.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.