A different approach to wellness, helping you stick to the plan so you never have to diet again.

I’m so glad you’re here.

You want to lose some weight, improve your fitness, eat better, sleep better, have more energy, manage your stress a little more effectively. You’re ready to make a change. But it feels overwhelming, like there isn’t enough time between all you’re doing at work and home.

You’re in the right place.

I help busy professionals get out of overwhelm and create a life that allows them to prioritize their health so they can be their best for the people they love and the work they do. 

You’ve probably tried other programs and plans and have had some success, but it hasn’t lasted. That’s because when we try to start making a change with taking new actions, we miss a critical step. 

I’ll teach you to change the way you think about nutrition, fitness, sleep so you can create the results you want. 

You’ll learn how to take back control of your time, get out of your own way and show up consistently for yourself by eating better, moving more, getting more restorative sleep and managing stressors more effectively.  Getting to a healthier weight usually ends up being a happy byproduct of creating a healthier lifestyle.

Ready invest in your health? Let’s schedule a time to chat!

If you’re ready to take a different approach to weight loss and wellness you’re in the right place. I’ll help you learn to recognize patterns in your thinking and decision making, behaviors that have sabotaged your efforts in the past. You’ll learn to shift your efforts actions, thoughts, feelings and beliefs to get to a place where you can make different decisions and create results that last.

  • Nutrition

    No diets or meal plans here. We will work together to find a balanced approach focused on whole foods and healthy eating that works for your lifestyle. Food shouldn't be restrictive. It's made to nourish us.

  • Movement

    No prescribed workouts either. We will collaborate and co create a plan for movement that incorporates strength and flexibility in a way that makes it something you look forward to!

  • Sleep

    It's not just about diet and fitness. Your sleep impacts everything! If you're like most of us in today's world, you're not getting optimal sleep. We'll work to change that. It will impact your weight loss goals, your mood and your energy!

  • Stress

    If you're like most of us, chances are you're using something unhealthy to cope with daily stressors (Netflix? A few glasses of wine? Overeating dessert?) We will work together to help you develop the mindset and skill set to help you manage in ways that will get you to your goals.

I Understand the Struggle…

  • I've been in your shoes. As a busy mom and teacher, I used to feel like there wasn’t enough time to eat well, exercise, or prioritize sleep.

  • I struggled for years with trying to do everything right, leaving me exhausted and drained.

What If…

  • What if you had more energy?

  • What if you were able to get regular restorative sleep?

  • What if you found the time to make regular exercise a part of your day?

  • What if you knew how to create a healthy eating plan that instead of being restrictive, was freeing?

  • What if it was all a lot simpler than you thought?

Your Transformation Starts Here..

  • Don't go it alone—

  • We’ll co create a plan that works in the context of your busy life

  • Get weekly 1:1 support

  • Get support between sessions

  • Step 1: Schedule Your Consultation

    We set up a consultation so I can really listen to you and understand your goals and your individual needs.

  • Step 2: Your Personalized Solution

    I offer you a clear doable solution that meets you where you are and will get you where you want to be.

  • Step 3: Ongoing Support & Review

    Weekly 1:1 coaching sessions and real time text messaging check-ins so you know you’ve got my help the whole way.

“I am slowly changing the way I'm thinking about my snacking, squeezing in healthier snacks that are planned ahead instead of the unhealthy "emergency snacks" I'd grab at the convenience store or drive through that were keeping me from my goal.”

— Annie M.

We should talk!

What are you working on?

I would love to hear about your goals and see how I can help.

Send me a text by clicking below.